Destination Audio
WE 417A Phono Stage


With an engineering white paper that could only be described as tortuous , the reference phono has been born. Entirely transformer coupled with a matching behemoth tube outboard power supply it features the 5U4G in the power supply. The signal chassis begins with the fabled WE417a tube followed by RCA brown plate 5687 tubes and finally the Raytheon 5687 tubes. The sound with our field coil cartridge and purpose engineered turntable is magnificent. –Destination Audio

“There are good devices, there are great ones, and there are also wonderful ones. But the rarest are those that have no better ones. The Destination Audio tube phono preamplifier belongs to this group, there are no better ones. Therefore, the words that could be said further are unnecessary, these explain everything”

-Piotr RyLa, HiFi Philosophy

Product Specifications

Destination Audio WE 417A Phono Stage



Amplification Pure triode Class A, no negative feedback
Design Dual-chassis design with PSU and preamplifier sections separated by a thick copper plate
RIAA Correction Based on custom-made LRC transformers
Step-Up Transformers Custom-made amorphous transformers
Interstage Transformers Custom-made amorphous transformers
Capacitors Duelund PIO capacitors
Top Plate 4mm thick copper
Inputs 1 pair RCA MM 47K
1 pair RCA MC-1:20
1 pair RCA MC 1:40
Output 1 pair RCA
Frequency Response (RIAA) 20 Hz ~ 20 kHz (± 0.15 dB)
Gain +51dB (MM)
+77dB (MC Low)
+83dB (MC High)
Input Impedance MM – 47KΩ
MC Low 40-200Ω
MC High 4-40Ω
Output Impedance <200 Ω
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) < 0.3%
Tubes Power supply: 5U4G rectifier
Phono stage: 2 x WE417A first stage, 4x 5687 second and third stage
Dimensions 560 x 350 x 260 mm / 22 x 14 x 10.5 inches
Weight 54 Kg / 119 Lbs
Shipping Weight 70 Kg / 154 Lbs

Photo Gallery

Destination Audio WE 417A Phono Stage
Destination AudioWE 417A Phono Stage